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New Falcon Experience

Preparing for Course Registration

Bentley University changes the world with a transformative business education, integrated with technology and the arts and sciences, that inspires and prepares ethical leaders who will confront the challenges of today and shape the opportunities of tomorrow. Kickstart your academic journey by completing the necessary tasks to register for your courses. 

student on laptop

Placement Essay Requirement

Incoming first-year students at Bentley University are required to complete the Critical Reading and Writing placement essay. This essay serves to determine the most suitable version of the class for each student. The essay prompt mirrors the type of writing assignments students will encounter in the initial weeks of their Critical Reading and Writing course. To access the Writing Essay prompt, log in to BentleyConnect.


Math Requirement

Bentley University requires that all undergraduates earn credit for at least one Mathematical Sciences course as part of their degree requirements. Students with strong math skills can benefit from earning credit for two math courses: MA 131 Calculus I and MA 139 Calculus II. These courses are essential for Mathematical Sciences and Actuarial Science majors, as well as some math-oriented minors. The math requirement can be fulfilled by completing mathematics courses at Bentley or earning Advanced Standing Credit. To choose the most suitable course, consider your math background, major, minor and future career plans. Access the Math Selection Survey on the New Student Checklist via BentleyConnect.

Mathematical Sciences Information


Professor in classroom teaching
Students in classroom

Advanced Standing Credit

Certain course work and exams may be eligible for credit for new students. If you are applying for advanced standing credit or transfer credit, all materials should be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admission. The deadline for submitting all advanced standing credit is the first day of classes of your first semester.

Transfer Credit Policies 

Advanced Standing Credit 

More Resources

Course Registration

New students are advised to review the New Student Advising and Registration page before course selection begins.  


New Student Advising and Registration

Honors Program

The Bentley University Honors Program offers a distinctive learning experience to Bentley’s highest academically achieving students who are passionate about exploring the world, are invigorated by inquiry and driven to expand their horizons while giving back to their community both within and beyond Bentley. 


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Student Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services provides accommodations and services that promote individual growth and self-advocacy. Through collaboration and innovative programming, the staff strives to inform and educate all members of the Bentley community and promote diversity that respects and appreciates disabilities. 

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