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Around Campus

In Focus: LGBTQ Fall Programming

December 16, 2015
Throughout the fall semester faculty, staff, and students participated in programs focused on building an inclusive campus community. 

Tour the Expanded Student Center

December 11, 2015
Walk through the newly renovated 11,000-square-foot Student Center, and you can feel the energy.

Getting to Know: Donna Blancero – Professor, Consultant, Diversity Champion

November 24, 2015
Associate Professor of Management Donna Maria Blancero receives two high profile honors.

Dear World, From Bentley University

November 2, 2015
Bentley University students reveal powerful messages about themselves with the help of Dear World, an award-winning, global storytelling initiative.

More Than Just Tourists: Santander Scholarship Program Encourages Students to Dive into Culture

October 21, 2015
Santander Universities Study Abroad Scholarship Fund makes abroad programs accessible for Bentley University students. 

International Students Spend Summer Abroad at Bentley University

August 30, 2015
While many Bentley University students are packing their suitcases to spend the fall semester studying abroad, 27 students from around the globe completed their own abroad experience on the Bentley campus. 

Winners of 2015 W. Michael Hoffman Essay Prizes in Business Ethics Announced

May 21, 2015
Bentley’s Center for Business Ethics awarded the 2015 Hoffman Prize to MBA student John Serpico ’15 and Business Management senior Morgan Kruegler ’15 for their writings on business ethics.

Breakfast by Moonlight Raises Money for Nepal

April 28, 2015
In response to the catastrophic events in Nepal and surrounding areas, Bentley’s Residence Hall Association will donate all money raised at Breakfast by Moonlight to an organization dedicated to providing relief efforts.

Bentley Celebrates Earth Day 2015

April 17, 2015
In honor of the 45th annual celebration of Earth Day, Bentley invites community members to join the sustainability conversation through a series of events.

Bentley Students Help Make Prom a Reality for Greater Boston Area Girls

April 16, 2015
Bentley’s Dresses to Dreams (D2D) student organization hosted their annual on campus event for almost one hundred and fifty high school girls from the Greater Boston Area