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Around Campus

Coronavirus Update and Travel Advisories

Dear Bentley Community, As we continue to follow the evolving outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) closely, I am reaching out to provide updates on new developments. The risk remains low in the U.S. and no additional cases have been reported in Massachusetts.…

Return to Campus Newsletter

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Five Surprising Facts About Sustainable Investing

Building a Community

After 30 years in college admission, I am still surprised by how challenging it is to explain to prospective parents and students the art and science of college admissions.

Most would love nothing more than to be given a set of specific numbers by which to measure oneself.

Continued guidance for students returning from Italy

Continued guidance for students returning from Italy March 4, 2020 Dear Study Abroad Italy Students, As you continue to make plans to return from your travel abroad programs in Italy, we wanted to reach out with…

Financial Updates for Students and Families from President Davis-Blake

Dear Students and Parents, I hope you’ll excuse my email to you on a weekend, but now that the spring 2020 credits and financial aid adjustments have posted to student accounts (as of Friday, April 24), I want to continue our commitment to openness about our…

Continuing to Monitor COVID-19

Dear Bentley Community, As we continue to monitor COVID-19 updates at home and abroad, we wanted to let you know that Bentley leadership has been meeting daily to discuss the university’s policies and campus measures in response to the virus. As a reminder,…

Return to Campus Newsletter

Dear Faculty and Staff,

After a long fall trimester, we have made it to Thanksgiving break. With our residential students back home, we have officially come to the close of the on-campus experience for the fall term. These past few months have challenged each and every member of our community, and I’m thankful for all that you have done to make the fall a success. I hope that you and your families enjoy a restful and responsible Thanksgiving this year.

Faculty and Staff COVID-19 Update

March 16, 2020 Dear Faculty and Staff,  As we continue efforts to curb the global and national spread of COVID-19, Cabinet is announcing important changes in the way we educate our students and operate our university. We want to…

Return to Campus Newsletter

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students, 

So many have been working hard this summer in preparation for students’ return to Bentley. That work helped make this week a smooth one, as resident assistants became our first group of students back on campus. Testing and training are proceeding well. Your understanding and support are crucial to making the Bentley experience, whether on campus or remote, a meaningful one for everyone.