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A Vaccine is Coming. But Will Americans Take It?

November 19, 2020
Professor receives National Science Foundation grant to explore why people are skeptical about a COVID-19 vaccine Americans generally take pride in besting other nations. But the country’s status as the global leader…

All the World’s a Page

August 30, 2020
From entrepreneurship and ethnology to South Asian history and global sustainability, the latest publications from Bentley faculty members explore a variety of timely topics. Read on for details about…

To France, with a Fulbright

August 20, 2020
As Academy Award-winning actress and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn famously observed: “Paris is always a good idea.” Laure Astourian agrees — although in her case, she’s headed there because of a good idea. A Fulbright Fellowship will take the assistant…

‘We Have to Rise Together’

August 13, 2020
              Professor Marcus Stewart 
For Marcus Stewart ’92, MBA ’95, diversity and inclusion are academic — and then some.  The associate professor of Management has…

Messaging, Masks and Mitigation

July 15, 2020
      Professors Rob DeLeo and Danielle Hartigan
In Massachusetts, 85% of residents report consistently wearing face masks in indoor public spaces. In Iowa, 52% of residents report the same. Given…

‘Crowded Restaurants Will Become an Oxymoron’

May 21, 2020
                     Professor Dave Gulley
Near-empty restaurants. Higher prices for meat, bread and other grocery staples. Budget shortfalls for state…

Containing Coronavirus

May 5, 2020
           Professor Dhaval Dave 
With at least 24 states lifting or easing COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and more expected to join them in the coming weeks, a Bentley professor’s research is the…

Viruses and Vaccines

April 10, 2020
It seems hard to imagine now, when virtually every aspect of our daily lives has been disrupted by COVID-19, but just four months ago, few people had ever heard the term “coronavirus.” What began as a cluster of mysterious …

Munich Honors

April 7, 2020
(Above: Bentley Professor Jane Fedorowicz with Professor Helmut Krcmar of the Technical University of Munich. The pair served as co-chairs of the 2019 International Conference on Information Systems, which was held before the spread of the coronavirus.)…

How Politics Impeded America’s Response to COVID-19

March 26, 2020
Professor Rob DeLeo explains why elected officials choose to react to crises instead of preventing them Most Americans are familiar with Benjamin Franklin’s celebrated axiom: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound…