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Economics Professor to Study the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Vaccinations

July 10, 2019
                Onur Altindag
When it comes to preventing disease and reducing infant deaths, the health benefits of childhood vaccines are well-documented. But how do those same vaccinations…

New Research: What Happens When Auditors Get the Flu?

February 22, 2019
New research by doctoral student Landi Morris and Professor Rani Hoitash examines the impact of the flu on the work of auditors -- and what that means for clients.

Women’s Issues Transcend the Globe: Are We Making Progress?

February 15, 2019
Professor of Global Studies Joni Seager's latest book, "The Women’s Atlas," provides comprehensive global data on the key issues facing women today.

Grant Boosts Thought Leadership in Health Care

December 6, 2018
A grant of $200,000 from the biopharma firm Alkermes will support faculty and student research and create a new course about the delivery of healthcare.

Five Lessons in Hiring From the Life Sciences

December 3, 2018
Helen Meldrum, associate professor of natural and applied sciences, asks 45 executives what it takes to succeed in the competitive life sciences industry.  

Bentley Research Council Presents Seminar On Publicizing Scholarship

November 30, 2018
The seminar, "Research Researching Out: Translating the Impact of Scholarship to the Public," allowed faculty from Bentley and MIT to share their insights. 

New Study: U.S. Biology Textbooks Present Business in a Negative Light

November 29, 2018
Biology textbooks used in intro college courses present a negative picture of business, according to a new study from the Center for Integration of Science and Industry.

New Findings on Breakthrough Science

August 24, 2018

How many new medicines rely on government funding? The short answer: all of them.

Research on the topic at Bentley, by the Center for Integration of Science and Industry, brought government and biotechnology industry leaders to campus in April. Participants such as U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark (pictured above) explored the essential role of public funding for basic biomedical science and how the science helps create medicines, jobs and successful companies.

A Company Aims to Do Good. But Is It Alienating Its Customers?

July 23, 2018
New research from Marketing Professor Susan Dobscha highlights the risk of ‘Pay What You Want’.

Can Your DNA Predict Opioid Addiction?

June 11, 2018
New research partnership between Bentley University and Gravity Diagnostics will explore the genetic link to opioid abuse.