What if I have never participated in a case competition before?
No previous experience in case competition is required.
Who should be on my team?
Each team should consist of four to five Bentley students and must be the same class year category. Since the cases usually contain a variety of issues related to ethics, accounting, finance, management, technology, or general business, ideally teams should include students from different majors.
How will the team presentation be judged?
The following criteria will be used to evaluate team presentations:
- Critical Issues: Did the team clearly and appropriately identified the critical issues raised by the case?
- Evidence: The team’s analysis showed excellent use of evidence, including supplemental research as appropriate.
- Recommendations: The recommendations clearly addressed the critical issues. Recommendations were feasible, creative, and appropriate to the audience.
- Q&A: Answers during the Q & A portion were clear, thoughtful, and relevant. More than one teammate responded appropriately and with confidence.
- Overall Impression: The team gave a credible, persuasive, and professional presentation.
What is a presentation?
All teams will have 20 minutes to present their case. Teams may use PowerPoint or other technology to deliver their presentation. There will be a five-minute question and answer period with judges after each presentation. The team will leave the room while judges discuss the team’s presentation; then the team will be called back for feedback.
How do I register my team?
You can register your team by having one member of the team be designated as Captain and logon to the Student Registration Form with the students' names, email, and student ID. Teams must have either four or five members to register. Deadline to register is February 9, 2024 If you do not have a team, you can register as a Free Agent and you may be placed on an incomplete team, depending upon availability. There is no guarantee that you will be placed on a team. By submitting your registration, you are agreeing to the NBB Guidelines (below).
Can visitors attend the BBB event?
Only participants and judges are allowed into the presentation rooms. However, visitors attend the Awards ceremony in the afternoon.
For more information contact the NBB administrators at: GA_NABABusinessBowl@bentley.edu
NBB Guidelines
The NABA X Bentley Business Bowl is an all-day, campus wide event open to all Bentley students. Teams of the same class year receive their case the day before the event; prepare their response; and present their findings in the morning to judges consisting of corporate sponsors, business professionals, alumni and Bentley faculty and staff.
Teams consist of at least four, but no more than five members of the same class year as of January 1, 2024.
- Space is limited to twelve (12) teams per level. Overflow teams may be wait-listed.
- Consulting with someone other than your teammates is not allowed and will result in disqualification.
Judges receive only one case assigned to their room.
Room moderators will be checking to be sure the right team is presenting the right case assigned to each room and will strictly maintain the presentation schedule. If you are late, the time will be deducted from your presentation. It is recommended that team members arrive several minutes before the actual start time to ensure an on time start.
Teams who withdraw must provide at least 48-hour notification of cancellation before event by emailing GA_NABABusinessBowl@bentley.edu. If cancellation notice is not received, team members will be considered “no shows” and will not be allowed to participate for one year. It is the responsibility of all team members to notify NBB administrators of cancellation.
Criteria for judging
1. How well did the team identify the facts and issues in the case?
2. Were the team’s recommendations appropriate to the case?
3. Overall quality of the presentation:
a. Professional, persuasive, effective delivery style?
b. All team members actively participated in the presentation?
4. Were the responses to the judges’ questions appropriate and thoughtful?
The Bentley Business Bowl is co-sponsored by the Student Chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) and the Dean of Business office at Bentley University.