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International Education

global action learning

GlobAL Action Learning

Fuel Your Organization with Bentley's Top Talent

Action Learning Project Overview

Action Learning is a teaching method where students take what they learn in the classroom and apply it to real business. The students work in teams and are enrolled in a 3-credit course load, while working on the project through the course framework. 

Projects can include in-person meetings that are  scheduled within the selected international course travel dates, or remote, providing students and faculty a chance to work with any organization in the world with more flexibility and no travel cost.

The Experience

After the initial virtual team meetings between students and host company representatives, students and faculty will travel as part of their course schedule to the company’s location for a comprehensive meeting to work closely with their team and deep dive into the issue presented. The proposed action implementation plan will be presented during the final part of the class, where students are evaluated, and the host company provides feedback. When travel is not required, students and faculty will continue to meet remote with the host company.

The company may adopt the proposed solution which may lead to cost savings, increase outreach through marketing campaigns,revenue through operational efficiency or create a desirable efficiency. It has been proved that buy-in from senior leadership is important to maximize the experience – both for the host company, and for the students engaged in the project. 

The Curriculum

Bentley University is promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility by continuously adapting its curriculum to meet the needs of future business leaders. This initiative, part of the Falcon Forward 2030 Strategic Plan, is essential in today's digital and interconnected innovation economy. As Bentley innovates its business curriculum, the importance of global action learning projects grows. Whether in person or remote, these projects prepare students to tackle real problems for real organizations, allowing them to apply their coursework and career skills in a global context.

Hands working on sustainability project

The curriculum is designed to build skills for the new generation of workforce – while creating local impact in your organization or ecosystem. The following are some of the areas of concentration:

  • Emerging Technologies
  • Sustainability
  • Global Leadership
  • Operations Management
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Data-driven analytics
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Timeline for in-person projects

January Programs

  • November, December: Projects match with host company and student team. Pre-departure sessions facilitated by faculty. The student teams engage virtually with host company.
  • February: Students draft report to host organization, and host company shares feedback – team presentation in class, and host company joins virtually

March Programs

  • January, February: Projects match with host company and student team. Pre-departure sessions facilitated by faculty. The student teams engage virtually with host company.
  • April: Students draft report to host organization, and host company shares feedback – team presentation in class, and host company joins virtually.

May Programs

  • March, April: Projects match with host company and student team. Pre-departure sessions facilitated by faculty. The student teams engage virtually with host company.
  • June: Students draft report to host organization, and host company shares feedback – team presentation in class, and host company joins virtually.
Virtual Projects

Timeline for remote projects

Projects that are fully remote provide more flexibility to faculty and students, and can be carried out throughout the academic year as per below:

Spring semester: February to May

Fall semester: September to December

Get Involved - Host A Global Action Learning Project

Global Action Learning projects are an integral way to create impact in local communities and organizations while providing students a real-world lab. Bentley faculty members seek global projects year-around, whether virtual or projects that will be incorporated during an international course travel period.

Interested in becoming a Host?

Top view. Group of young business professionals having a meeting. Diverse group of coworkers discuss new decisions, plans, results, strategy.

Host Company Benefits

  • Access to an international talent pool of high-quality expertise
  • Fulfilment of business projects with limited internal resources
  • Access to faculty expertise and network 
  • New perspectives for efficiency
  • Team problem-solving via advanced management strategies
  • Innovative adaptation to change with fresh perspectives 
  • Knowledge retention, skill building, and leadership development
  • Potential cost savings, improved systems or processes, suggestions for revenue generation or new market entry 

Host Company Provides

  • Project endorsement  
  • Scope and timeline of the project  
  • Lead point person/team  
  • Introductions to stakeholders  
  • Access to data and information, when applicable  
  • Timely feedback to the student team  
Sustainability Meeting

Overall, hosting an Action Learning team can be a strategic investment in the development and success of both individual employees and the organization. It promotes a culture of learning, innovation, and continuous improvement, which can be a competitive advantage in today's dynamic business environment.  

4 Pillars for Global Action Learning

1. Identification

Team collaborate to identify needs, address root causes, overcome resistance, optimize resources, and promote cross-cultural teamwork.

orange lightbulb

2. Action Plan

Develop scalable, sustainable solutions, leverage emerging technologies, expand into markets, and/or strengthen partnerships.

teal checklist

3. Strategy

Create strategies to address potential obstacles or changes in the environment, ensuring flexibility and adaptability in achieving the desired target

4. Evaluation

Research architectural frameworks, gather stakeholder feedback, utilize cross-cultural ideas for scope, and align goals with host company priorities.

green graph showing growth

Team Assignment

Bentley faculty will decide on teams, including the student preference. The chosen project will be carried out throughout the fall or spring semester, and students will meet with the organization’s representative virtually, to gain deep knowledge of the root problems of the project. 

Virtual projects will be conducted entirely remotely, while in-person projects will involve face-to-face meetings at the company's location.

students working on sustainability project

Student Benefits

  • Work with peer teams across borders 
  • Add relevant hands-on experience on your resume 
  • Network with Bentley’s alumni and other stakeholders
  • Apply academic objectives to an existing problem, or to enhance a business opportunity
  • Experience different industries, and cultures 
  • Test your competences in a real-world situation 
Garth Kitson
The Jamaican Journeys international course provided us with an incredible opportunity to connect with enthusiastic and talented students. We take pride in working with the faculty members to shape this inaugural action learning project. The thoughtful design and remarkable success of this project provided applicable solutions to cater my team with an innovative and thoughtful approach to launch a new marketing strategy. We are honored and look forward to helping to shape the future of business leaders
Garth Kitson
Founder & Managing Director SIPS Spring Water, Kingston, Jamaica

Frequently asked questions:

Who covers students’ cost during the off-campus activity?

Bentley University will charge program fees to students accordingly to cover airfare, lodging, visas and vaccination/immunization if required. There are no costs associated in hosting a global action learning project.

How much time are students expected to work on site?

The students will spend about a week on-site, in one of the following months: January, March, or May - with a few pre-scheduled meetings and an agenda to tackle into the core of the problem being presented. 

How much time does the host company representatives need to provide?

It may depend on the nature of the project. Representatives should expect to meet with the student team virtually in anticipation of the in-country meetings to align expectation, provide feedback and information students to facilitate a proposed action plan.

When does Bentley start recruiting projects?

Recruitment is ongoing throughout the year, and projects are provided to students each fall semester, for teams traveling in January, March, and in February for teams traveling in May.

We encourage host companies to submit projects year-around. Some companies also may repeat yearly with different projects.

What type of information does the company need to provide to the students’ team?

When required, the company may release sensitive information and data associated with the project. Bentley University may provide the NDA – Non-Disclosure Agreement to ensure compliance and data protection. The host company may also provide their own NDA which will be reviewed by Bentley University's legal authority.

What is the host company role and expectation?

Host companies should provide project sponsorship at the executive level; involvement from senior leadership is required. They may develop a project tailored to the area of study, scope and time constraints of the class, to ensure alignment with recommendations. The host also need to ensure participation of stakeholders in project milestone events, such as virtual team presentations. 

To successfully lead a project, the host should select a person that will:

  • Engage with student team on a regular basis
  • Facilitate introductions to key internal and external stakeholders
  • Share timely feedback, and provide relevant information and data associated with the project