Please visit Bentley Abroad to schedule an appointment with an advisor, or contact us at 781.891.3474. For general inquiries, contact us at
MBA, Bentley University
BA, Economics and Spanish, Vanderbilt University
How long have you worked at Bentley?
Since August 2003.
Tell us why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley.
I have worked in the field of international educational exchange since 2000, advising students at high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels. At Bentley, I am pleased to have the opportunity to be part of a community that is both close-knit and global at once!
Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?
I studied in Argentina for six months as an undergraduate, and I have lived in Germany and Scotland. I've traveled in Africa, Europe, and South America.
Advice for students studying abroad:
Your study abroad experience can be anything you make of it. Set realistic expectations, keep an open mind, and don't be a tourist; learn to live like a local!
Advisor for:
Faculty-led International Programs, GBEs and Custom Programs.
MBA, Bentley University
BA, International Business, Leonardo da Vinci University, Brazil
How long have you worked at Bentley?
Since January 2023.
Tell us why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley.
I have worked in the field of International Education since 2005. I want to enable students to take a further step in their professional development by learning from new cultures, understanding cultural differences, and using their skill sets to be a force to create a positive impact in their ecosystem.
Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?
I spent a year in Angola teaching at a local community college, and travelled all over North/South America and Europe. Most recently, I worked at MIT Sloan, managing various global academic partnerships.
Advice for students studying abroad:
No matter if you plan on working at an international company or a local startup, you will most likely be part of a diverse team that includes people from a different background than yours. Our world is moving fast, so take advantage of a study abroad experience to shape your business skills and become a global citizen.
Advisor for:
Spain, Australia, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Semester at Sea, South Africa, Argentina, Chile
BA, English, Bentley University
How long have you worked at Bentley?
Since February 2019
Tell us why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley.
Like most people in the field of International Education, we are drawn to help others after our own powerful international experiences. This was definitely true for me, and for nearly 20 years I have been fortunate to help students and teachers make the most of their study abroad experiences. As a graduate, my career has come full circle back to Bentley.
Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?
I participated in Semester at Sea, during which I circumnavigated the globe and travelled to 10 countries in S. America, Africa, and Asia. My work has also taken me to many countries in Europe and the South Pacific, so I just have one more continent on my list!
Advice for students studying abroad:
You can do difficult things! In my years working with college students, I consistently hear that the most challenging situations experienced while abroad are some of the most formative. Whether it was navigating a new city not knowing the language, meeting people from many different cultures, or being far away from home for the first time, you will remember these experiences for the rest of your life. Believe in yourself and you will return more confident, resilient, and mature.
All incoming exchange students, and outgoing programs in Italy, France, Ireland, and the United Kingdom
BA, International Affairs, Bentley University
How long have you worked at Bentley?
Since August 2022
Tell us why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley.
The most valuable lessons we learn are those we find outside of our comfort zones, and what is travel other than the choice to leave those zones behind? Studying abroad offers many students their first chance to truly step outside what they know, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to return to Bentley and use my own experiences to help students “seek discomfort” and make the most of what will be a life-changing journey.
Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?
I had always wanted to study in the Czech Republic, so as an undergraduate student at Bentley I built my own program studying political science at Charles University in Prague. Then, I was lucky enough to complete an internship with the Polish Agency of Foreign Trade in Warsaw the following summer. After building international trips for an educational travel company, I won a Fulbright grant that took me back to the Czech Republic to complete a year of teaching English in the eastern city of Ostrava. In my own travels, I have had the great fortune to visit most of Europe, a good deal of Central and South America, Southeast Asia, Russia, Ghana, and Morocco.
Advice for students studying abroad:
Set some personal goals for yourself and keep a journal! So many new things will be coming at you so fast, it can be tough to keep track. This is your time to relax and enjoy, but a with just a little bit of extra reflection, I guarantee you’ll get even more from this experience of a lifetime.
Advisor for:
Korea, Japan, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, Open Campus, Washington, D.C., internships, and summer programs
BA, Media & Culture and Business Studies, Bentley University
How long have you worked at Bentley?
Since September 2022
Tell us why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley.
I believe one of the best ways we can empower ourselves is to learn about others; other people, other cultures, other regions of the world, you name it. It's interesting to see the world through different eyes, and working in the International Education department means that I not only get to meet people with different backgrounds, but also get to help others step out of their comfort zones and begin to open their eyes to different parts of the world, too!
Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?
During school, I interned at a TV Agency in Rome, Italy. While in Rome I travelled to nearby Italian cities and a handful of European countries! I also participated in a faculty-led trip to Peru during my time at Bentley, where I took a Spanish class and stayed with a local family
Advice for students studying abroad:
Something small can lead to something big! Shaking your new professor's hand may seem small at the time, but it could lead to an international mentor and opportunities that you may have missed if you hadn't taken the time to say hi.
Advisor for: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and South Africa.
Education: BA, Sociology and Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
How long have you worked at Bentley: I am the latest addition to the team as of January 2025!
Tell us why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley: Whether you are striking up a conversation with your neighbor or attending a lecture in an unfamiliar country, there are ideas to be shared and lessons to be learned from your fellow humans. International travel in particular allows us to step out of our comfort zones to the max and be exposed to a wide variety of people and cultures. I want to dedicate myself to fostering a global community of scholars who are making the world feel more connected through travel and education, and Bentley offers a wide variety of programs that will springboard students into a life that is enriched by knowledge.
Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?: I have lived in and around Boston most of my life. I studied abroad in Sorrento, Italy while in college. Throughout my career in International Education, I have been able to travel all across Italy and the USA, from meeting colleagues for espresso in Milan to leading a group of 80 students through the Grand Canyon, I am incredibly grateful for these experiences. In my personal life, I will go anywhere that is warm and by the ocean!
Advice for students studying abroad: You see things not as they are, but as you are. Keep your mind open and your head up high, you will be surprised at the things you can accomplish when you believe in yourself. Additionally, don't be camera shy!
BA, Recreation Administration (Recreation & Park Management), California State University Sacramento
AA-T, Speech Communication, Napa Valley College
How long have you worked at Bentley?
Since October 2024
Tell us why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley.
My love of travel, along with a lifelong interest in intercultural exchange, has given me a deep appreciation for the multitude of benefits that study abroad programs provide for students and communities alike. Having worked on campus during my undergrad years at CSU Sacramento, I witnessed firsthand the impact of supporting students as they navigated academic life and developed cross-cultural connections. This experience inspired me to return to higher education later in my career, and I am now grateful to have the opportunity to empower our students in their growth at home and abroad.
Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?
My travel experience has been primarily domestic, but I'm an expert on travel between the American east and west coasts!
Advice for students studying abroad:
Do it scared! None of us have it all figured out, whether it's our first time traveling or our tenth trip abroad. Prepare your best and get your ducks in a row, and then go live the rest.