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Semester and Academic Year Programs

Explore the many global opportunities available to you

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Suggested Programs by Major

Budget Friendly Programs

Service Learning and Home-Stay Programs

Bentley Partner Programs allow for studying alongside local and international students at prestigious institutions around the world. The methods of teaching and assessment at foreign universities are significantly different from those in the United States. These programs provide the highest level of academic and cultural immersion and require a great deal of self-sufficiency and independence on the part of students. The support networks reflect the cultural values and style of the host university and do not mirror Bentley's administration.

Bentley Affiliate Programs are administered by highly respected study abroad organizations approved by the university. Students enroll in courses designed for American study abroad participants and typically follow an American model of teaching and assessment. Students may have the option to take some or all courses at foreign universities with local and international peers, in which case teaching and assessment methods are very different from those at American universities.

As a Management major with concentration in Human Resources, studying abroad was a critical component to my undergraduate education. People is the name of the game, and being able to understand others, regardless of the circumstance, is very important for the career I wanted to pursue. During my time abroad, I learned patience, cultural awareness, problem solving and leadership.
Nadine Edwards '15 Semester at Sea, '13
Campus Program Manager, Hubbell