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International Education

Course Administration

Faculty teaching international courses are responsible for taking prudent and reasonable steps to ensure that their course is structured and implemented safely. Please review the items below to learn your role, responsibilities and to review the support by the different Bentley University departments to ensure you have an excellent international academic experience: 

Faculty and admin icon

Faculty Role and Administration

course promotion

Course Promotion


Application Process and Course Management

finacial aid

Course Fee and Financial Assistance

Financial Policies

Financial Policies and Payments

Faculty Role and Responsibilities

Faculty leading faculty-led courses are responsible for taking prudent and reasonable steps to ensure that their program is structured and implemented safely. 

Specifically, faculty members are responsible for: 

  • Serving as the academic and administrative representative of the program, which includes recruiting students for the program by creating info-sessions, talking to students in current classes, and partner with the Cronin Office of International Education to promote your course in collaboration with other cross-campus initiative and events, including student organizations 
  • Developing the program and coordinating on-site delivery of the course, including but not limited to: 
  • Meeting with providers, when applicable, to determine daily schedule, including on site cultural orientation, business meetings and immersive excursions 
  • Meeting with the Cronin Office of International Education to assess the program budget and review host country information. This may help in identifying if the group needs an entry visa, or immunizations shots 
  • Review if Bentley University has other academic collaborations in the region and if they can play a role for your program 
  • Learn about Bentley alumni in the region and engage with them by asking for a business visit, host an action learning project or invite for a social gathering 
  • Host pre-departure meetings and facilitate sessions for students to get to know each other. They will be living and sharing their time together, every day – it is important they get comfortable with each other prior travel  
  • Providing up to date course information to help the Cronin Office of International Education assure online and printed course catalogs reflect correct program information 
  • Partner with the Cronin Office of International Education to explore co-leaders, when applicable. Faculty are not permitted to lead a course by themselves. 
  • Reviewing the Bentley Travel Policy to ensure your travel is University-sanctioned. The program is also subject to the US Dept of State Travel Advisory which may change, resulting program cancelation 
  • Travelling with students to and from the host country 
  • Preparing for and responding to emergencies. Faculty will be provided with resources and steps to take regarding emergency procedures prior travel takes place 
  • Reviewing all self-disclosed student health medical reports, and when applicable, meet with the necessary students to discuss pro-active steps to assist them during their time abroad 
  • Maintaining clear financial records, including keeping track of expenses and saving receipts as per university policy 
  • Maintaining organized records for all participants, including confidential health records in case a participant is incapacitated and needs treatment. The list will be provided to the faculty member and co-leader within 30 days prior to the start of travel 
  • Keeping the Cronin Office of International Education team informed about developments concerning the program and participating students, who should be notified of any changes in itinerary or contact information. E-mail messages satisfy two necessities: communication and documentation 
  • Documenting events and activities as well as problems 
  • Submitting final grades and review program post-evaluation which is shared with the faculty member and co-leader after grades have been submitted 

Note: Faculty members and co-leaders are responsible, in the event of a medical emergency, for getting the student to an emergency care provider. All students are automatically enrolled in the CISI International Health Insurance. Detailed information prior departure, and detailed information on how to use the insurance will be shared with Faculty members and co-leaders during the pre-departure faculty working session. 

If the student is incapable of providing consent, faculty members and co-leaders are responsible for making reasonable efforts to contact the student’s listed emergency contact. After getting the appropriate immediate care and calling CISI, faculty members and co-leader should notify the Cronin Office of International Education of the situation.

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Course Promotion

After the program brochure has been published on the Bentley Studio Abroad site, traditionally around mid-July, faculty may target students via email to initiate course promotion. The Cronin Office of International Education will assist each faculty member by providing flyers that will be placed across campus in anticipation of the beginning of the academic year. The Study Abroad Fair, being the largest and most popular event featuring study abroad options, is the central place to feature your faculty-led program. 

The program recruitment is a collaborative effort, and you are not alone – Other recruitment tips include: 

  • Develop your elevator pitch by summarizing your program and its benefits. Being able to clearly describe your program will help other to remember the key details 
  • Reflect on the program name – is it easy to remember and repeat to others? Does it peak a student’s interest to learn more? Word of mouth is a powerful tool for program promotion, so a memorable program name is important 
  • Promote your course by speaking to classes taught by your colleagues. Communicate details to academic advisors so they can help identify students who may be a good fit for your program – they will help specify which elective the course fulfills.  
  • Ask for input from other faculty leaders on what strategies they’ve used to successfully recruit students in the past. Which of these strategies would you like to replicate? 
  • Work with the Cronin Office of International Education to cross promote your program in collaboration with other events – through the student associations, and others within the community 
  • Consider summarizing your program in a few slides, and record an info session – this can be easily distributed via email to students and posted on the program brochure

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Application Process and Admission Screening


To enroll in a Bentley faculty-led program, students must be active students in good academic and conduct standing and not have graduated before the program begins. Students on leave are normally not eligible for Bentley faculty-led programs before reinstatement.


The Cronin Office of International Education manages the enrollment and billing process for students. Faculty-led courses usually have non recoverable expenses; therefore, students follow a separate withdraw policy as per below: 

Program fee: Participants withdrawing within the 90-day period prior to departure will be refunded the following percentages of the undergraduate program fee or graduate GBE fee: 

  • 90 to 30 days prior: 90% refund of course fee/GBE tuition fee 
  • 30 to 15 days prior: 50% refund of course fee/GBE tuition fee 
  • 15 to 0 days prior: no refund 

The Bentley course refund policies do not apply to faculty-led programs or GBEs. Bentley merit scholarships do not apply to Faculty-Led International courses.  

All faculty will be given appropriate access to review the students who have applied for their course. In some cases, faculty may want to admit students on a rolling basis – traditionally, application decisions are shared with students within a week after the application deadline, as per below:

  • January and March Programs: October 15th
  • May Programs: January 31st

A typical course application includes the following: 

  • A copy of the student’s passport, or proof of the passport renewal  
  • A letter of intent providing the reasons they are applying, and usually including: 
  • International experience, i.e., professionally, academically, or socially 
  • What they hope to gain from the faculty-led program 
  • Any other personal information related to the faculty-led course 
  • Payment of the non-refundable commitment deposit of $500 
  • Sign off on their enrollment and waiver of liability contract 

Only current Bentley students in good standing, both academically and disciplinary, may travel on university-sponsored study abroad programs. Should a student be charged by the university for misconduct, they may be expelled from the faculty-led course prior travel takes place. Interviews of program applicants are strongly recommended but not required.  

All eligibility criteria should be stated clearly in program publicity and informational materials, at information meetings, and on the program website. Along with the standard criteria of academic preparedness, academic achievement, and demonstrated interest in the region and program, you may want to consider: 

  • Ability to participate in a small group setting: Ask applicants about experience in groups (lab or design groups, committees, trips with friends). 
  • Attitude: Is the student willing to try new things, even if they are nervous? Potential red flags include reluctance to accept responsibility in a group role and requests for exceptions. 
  • Group diversity: Group discussions and hours spent together traveling will be more productive and enjoyable if the group includes both introverts and extroverts, for example. 
  • Context: Faculty must deliver course content within the context of the local culture. Students will be encouraged to develop cross-cultural communication skills and an appreciation for multiple perspectives.

Post-Acceptance Requirements for Student Participation 

After students have been accepted into the program, they will be asked to provide contact emergency information and self-disclose their health record. Students who may require a visa for the destination country will be receiving an email from the Cronin Office of International Education who may assist them in applying for their entry visa. 

If the destination country requires specific immunizations, students will be provided with the details to give them plenty of time to get their immunization shots.  To find out which vaccines are recommended or required for the host country, please visit the CDC travel website. 

Note: Students who are admitted to study abroad are required to complete a post-decision questionnaire, that will be shared with the faculty member to assist in identifying and assisting a student who may require accommodation. To learn about the university disability resources, please visit  

It is mandatory for faculty to provide a minimum of 2 pre-departure sessions. We encourage faculty members and co-leaders to host additional sessions for students to engage with each other, after all, they will be living together for the duration of the trip. One way to also host a pre-departure session is to create an off-campus event – at a restaurant, park, elsewhere, to provide students with a different setting – to facilitate bonding.

Brightspace Course Management  

Before the new academic year resumes, late August, Faculty members should reach out to the Academic Technology Center, via email at, to seek assistance from their team to set up your online course. 

Deadlines for Course Work and Grade Submission 

All final work for a faculty-led course must be submitted by the following timeline: 

  • January and March Programs: First week of May 
  • May Programs: Second week of June  

Students are responsible for submitting the work on time; travel plans, and logistical issues are no excuse for non-submission or late submission of final assignments. 

From time to time, serious illness or other emergencies may make it difficult for students to comply with the deadline. Instructors who receive requests for extensions must contact the Registrar’s Office to coordinate such delays.

Course Fee and Financial Assistance

Course Budget and Program Cancellation 

Bentley University does not charge tuition fees on faculty-led programs. The Cronin Office of International Education in consultation with the faculty member, will create a program budget to allocate all presumably expenses, including the following: 

Fixed expenses for faculty and co-leaders: 

  • Faculty salary and co-leader stipend, when applicable 
  • Accommodation, meal, entrance fees and on the ground transportation 
  • Air fare, international cell phone usage, and tips for guides 
  • Academic provider fee, and other expenses 

Variable expenses for students:  

  • Accommodation  
  • Meals  
  • Entrance fees and on the ground transportation 
  • Air fare and Academic provider fee, when applicable  

Please use this Budget Template to indicate what expenses you foresee – the budget may be adjusted after the course proposal has been approved, and accurate expenses may be accounted for. The total cost of the program may be divided by a minimum number of enrolled students, either 10, or 12 students. The program is subject to cancelation if no minimum enrollment is not reached. The non-refundable deposit students make is either returned to them, or allocated to another program of their preference, should they choose another course.  

The program fees can vary anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000, depending on the length and country destination cost of living. The total program cost is usually divided between 10 or 12 students enrolling in the program. If the minimum number of students is not enrolled, the program may be cancelled. In such case, applicants may be invited to register to an alternative faculty-led program or be refunded the enrollment deposit if opt to not register in another program. When creating a course budget, please use this template for your convenience.  

A program also may be cancelled by the Cronin Office of International Education in consultation with other departments across the university up to the time students are boarding their flight, if there has been a significant deterioration in the safety and security conditions pertaining to the group’s travel arrangements or in the sector of the country or countries where travel is to occur.  

Examples include acts of war, terrorism, or widespread civil unrest; an outbreak of a severe or infectious disease; major disruption of public utilities or services; or natural disasters such as hurricanes or floods. The decision to cancel the trip will take into consideration information received by Bentley’s Office of Risk Management, Embassy officials, the appropriate U.S. State Department Desk Officer, and other officials from U.S. agencies, NGOs, or officials at local colleges and universities.


To enroll in a Bentley faculty-led program, students must be active students in good academic standing and not have graduated before the program begins. Students on leave are normally not eligible for Bentley faculty-led programs before reinstatement. 


The Cronin Office of International Education manages the enrollment and billing process for students. Faculty-led courses usually have non recoverable expenses; therefore, students follow a separate withdraw policy as per below: 

Program fee: Participants withdrawing within the 90-day period prior to departure will be refunded the following percentages of the undergraduate program fee or graduate GBE fee: 

  • 90 to 30 days prior: 90% refund of course fee/GBE tuition fee 
  • 30 to 15 days prior: 50% refund of course fee/GBE tuition fee 
  • 15 to 0 days prior: no refund 

The Bentley course refund policies do not apply to faculty-led programs or GBEs. Bentley merit scholarships do not apply to Faculty-Led International courses.  We count on faculty to promote the scholarships amongst our students.

Airfare: Refunds on airfare purchases are subject to airline and travel agency regulations. Upon notification of a student withdrawal, Bentley will attempt to recover as much as possible of the airfare purchased, but there is typically at least a nominal fee associated with cancellation of airfare, and in many cases, seats purchased through a group air contract are entirely non-refundable. 

Withdrawing from an international faculty-led program while in the country entails separating from the program and no longer being covered by the University emergency medical insurance, liability provisions, and support structure. Students withdrawing from the program without a cause (e.g., a medical emergency) will not be allowed to stay in program housing and should make plans to return to their home residence as soon as possible. If the withdrawal is due to a medical reason, the faculty director will work closely with CISI Health Insurance and the staff of the Office of International Education to handle the health emergency and decide if the student can be treated on-site or needs to be repatriated. 

Appeals: In the case of an unforeseeable circumstance that causes withdrawal from a faculty-led course, students may appeal for a refund. To appeal the charges and to learn more details, please visit  

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Financial Policies and Payments

Travel and Expense Credit Cards 

All expenses charged through your Travel Card are automatically uploaded to your WorkDay profile. The faculty member and co-leader are responsible for saving all receipts and submitting them to the Business Service Center for processing within 30 days of accrued expenses.  

Images of receipts for university credit card transactions greater than or equal to $40 must be attached to the appropriate transactions. Receipts for transactions less than $40 should still include a Memo of the charge, as should transactions over $40. 

Memos include: 

  • Meals, i.e., breakfast, lunch, dinner 
  • Taxis, to/from 
  • Incidentals, like tips 

Paper receipts may be destroyed once a legible image is scanned and attached to the appropriate transaction. Please use only PDF or JPG format. Faculty and co-leaders must submit their receipts via email to Kathy Sheehan.

A Missing Receipt Affidavit must be completed by the cardholder and attached to any transactions greater than or equal to $40 if the original receipt is unavailable. Missing Receipt Affidavit must be completed by the cardholder. All travel expense reports must be submitted within 60 days of travel completion and expense lines to 25 per report – you may need to create two reports. More than 25 lines cause issues in Review.  

Travel Cards is the primary way to pay for travel and individual business expenses. All credit card transactions must adhere to university expense policies. Each transaction must be substantiated, assigned appropriate and supporting documentation, and the expense report must be submitted for the Cronin Office of International Education for review and approval.  

If you currently don’t have a travel card, please visit the procurement website to review and apply for a card. Prior to being issued a card, the cardholder must attend a training seminar.  The seminar instructs the cardholder in the uses and restrictions of the program. 

Each faculty leader and co-leader must hold a valid travel credit card before travel takes place. The Cronin Office of International Education will request credit card limit increase and alert Chase Bank in anticipation of the travel dates. When applicable, cash access will also be granted.  

Other Forms of Payments 

Group expenses can also be pre-paid by the department or can be invoiced by the vendor to the department. This may be especially useful for very large purchases, especially those more than the pre- determined maximum transaction amount of $10,000. 

Where a credit card is not relevant, faculty members and co-leaders may access cash in the local currency by withdrawing funds from an ATM, using their credit card. When reconciling cash purchases, please justify the purchase (ATM receipts are not justification). You need to add expense lines with the reason for the cash outlay and receipts for those. ATM amounts need to be marked personal, and any unused funds will need to be repaid to Bentley. 

Faculty and Co-leader Personal Expenses 

The faculty and co-leader personal expenses (lodging, meals, travel, visa and related costs, and incidentals) are included in the program budget. There is no need to submit a spend authorization prior travel. 

Approval of Vendors 

Regardless of whether faculty members run a course with, or without an academic provider to manage the program logistics, faculty will need to work in collaboration with the Cronin Office of International Education to facilitate the negotiation of contracts and payment terms. Faculty and co-leader do not have the signing authority to allocate funds or to make and request payments without prior confirmation from the Office of International Education. One example might be on purchases for air fare, when the International Education team may be able to secure a group airfare without any deposit – whether having the faculty member issuing the airline tickets using their travel card without prior consultation. 

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