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International Education Photo Contest

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Submit your photos to the annual International Education photo contest! The contest will take place from October 11-17th, and submissions can be sent to Voting will take place from October 22-25th and winners will be displayed in the RSM Art Gallery!

Click here for full contest rules and information. 


Each entrant may submit one photo for each of the following categories: 

  • Newly Discovered Community:  Show us how you found your new community abroad! This could be a photo of your host institution or new friends from your new university! You can show examples of how you belong to your community abroad both locally and universally. From cooking in your host family’s kitchen to a view out your internship’s office building to students huddled in a university library – give us a real feel for wherever you were.
  • Bentley Abroad: Show us your Bentley Pride overseas! The obvious example would be pictures of students in Bentley gear in front of famous landmarks, but feel free to get creative with interpreting this one!
  • Landscapes: from stunning natural vistas to bustling urban scenes, this is your chance to show off the beauty of your temporary home!
  • Exchange Students in the U.S.: Exchange students show us your favorite photo from your time here at Bentley and travels around the U.S.

All entrants are also automatically entered for a chance to win the Fan Favorite or Alumni Choice prize.

How to Enter: 

  • Enter the Contest by emailing your photo(s) to
  • All photos must be in the form of high-quality .jpeg files, saved/titled in the following format: Last name, First name.jpeg
  • The body of the email should include:
    • Your full name, as you would want it displayed in the event that your photo is selected as a winner and displayed in the Library Gallery
    • Any social media handles you’d like included in the event that your photo is selected as a winner and shared on our social media platforms
    • Your major/minor/track/etc.
    • Your Class Year
    • Where and when you studied abroad
    • Location (city and country) the photo was taken
    • Category you’re submitting the photo for
    • Short description of the photo
  • All photos must be sent as an email attachment (not in the body of the email) before 4:29 p.m. EST on Thursday, October 17, 2024.


Judging will take place in three phases:

  1. All eligible entries received during the Submission Period – regardless of original category submitted for – will be posted into a Woobox photo gallery at 12:00 PM EST on Monday, October 22nd, 2024. The photo that has the most positive reactions on Woobox by 4:29 p.m. EDT on Friday, October 25th, 2024, will win the Fan Favorite prize.
  2. All eligible entries will be evaluated by a Selection Committee, made up of faculty and staff from the Cronin Office of International Education, Library Services, and students affiliated with those departments. The Committee will choose the winners and finalists from the three categories (Bentley Abroad, Landscape, Exchange Students and Newly Discovered Community).

Winners will be announced beginning on Monday, October 28th, 2024 via Bentley University Office of International Education social media channels and Bentley email.

For any additional questions, please email