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International Education

Welcome Back From Your Trip!

To provide continuity and feedback and make suggestions for future program improvements, returning faculty are expected to submit an end-of-program report to the Cronin Office of International Education. This report should be submitted within one month after returning to campus so that the insights, suggestions, and comments can influence the planning for the following year’s program. 

Post-Program Activities


Post-Program Activities

Once back on campus, you may want to maintain contact with your students. You might suggest to them some of the following ways to use the interests and skills they gained abroad: 

  • Develop a student website for the program
  • Share their experiences by speaking at events on campus
  • Participate in the annual Study Abroad Fair
  • Get connected with area studies programs
  • Join international organizations and clubs
  • Continue foreign language study or take courses with an international focus
  • Continue studying the host country by taking related courses, reading international papers, viewing films and videos, writing research papers, etc.
  • Think about when and how to return abroad. Students may be interested in participating in study abroad programs during the academic year:
  • Doing an international internship
  • Applying to graduate schools abroad
  • Entering the annual International Photo Contest
  • Finding employment possibilities in multinational companies
  • Joining the Peace Corps
  • Applying to serve in the U.S. Department of State
  • Returning to visit friends